Vier Susters

Vier susters is die resultaat van my soektog na 'n bejaarde tweeling vir 'n projek oor die Afrika Genoom (Brother's Keeper). By die Annie Starck tehuis het ek egter die vier Nelsen susters opgespoor en so kom die soom los: tradisioneel is die grond aan manlike erfgename oorgelewer terwyl die vrou sit met 'n kis vol linne, porselein en familie albums.

Vier Susters
( Four Sisters) is the result of my search for  elderly twins as part of a project on the African Genome (Brother's Keeper). At the Annie Starck Retirement Home I discovered the four Nelsen sisters which in turn prompted the recollection that the men inherited the land while the women were left with trunks filled with linen, porcelain and family albums.
